
The DB-IP Database

More than 36 million IPv4 and IPv6 blocks and growing.

Since 2010 we provide one of the most comprehensive and accurate IP address databases available on the market that has grown today to more than 36 million IPv4 and IPv6 blocks.

Details about the DB-IP Database

Every month, hundreds of thousands of records are added or updated in the DB-IP Database, and we're always working hard to improve the coverage of our database and its accuracy. Learn more about the DB-IP database here, including detailed analytics and update information.

DB-IP Database Analytics

Database edition IP address to location + ISP, June 2024
Total records 36,324,808

Records by country

Country Records Cities Locations Organizations
United States  United States 13007777 37169 861994 1766843
Spain  Spain 2967406 7094 18608 36225
Brazil  Brazil 1634975 13151 41627 73388
United Kingdom  United Kingdom 1336111 8514 58426 217700
Italy  Italy 1257800 13873 211290 350116
Germany  Germany 1254121 15197 89604 219644
France  France 1234828 14867 74320 176301
India  India 1187527 16289 35548 34497
Turkey  Turkey 909374 2043 6557 16521
Viet Nam  Viet Nam 621275 853 1868 2793
Japan  Japan 592419 2090 3928 34266
Netherlands  Netherlands 564323 2953 47038 194257
Australia  Australia 537749 2481 8583 17998
China  China 518444 6411 20937 271069
Canada  Canada 485630 3809 54054 86579
Poland  Poland 420899 8586 28877 35905
South Korea  South Korea 407642 8007 10324 20185
Saudi Arabia  Saudi Arabia 373893 236 422 5266
Austria  Austria 347858 6688 74878 101777
Chile  Chile 345506 338 6843 14458
Colombia  Colombia 263239 1848 11650 43516
Philippines  Philippines 257054 1861 8593 52814
Russian Federation  Russian Federation 249004 3150 22392 66263
Peru  Peru 247654 2616 5881 8322
Morocco  Morocco 222286 490 623 4203
United Arab Emirates  United Arab Emirates 208094 309 2795 7939
Kazakhstan  Kazakhstan 203439 703 3867 27021
Denmark  Denmark 199906 862 12298 20601
Sweden  Sweden 197599 2127 9096 28778
Finland  Finland 168143 597 9244 32560
Tunisia  Tunisia 157133 164 193 127
Pakistan  Pakistan 157069 717 1021 1517
Argentina  Argentina 153501 1596 9109 14842
Costa Rica  Costa Rica 142327 443 1331 2966
Mexico  Mexico 140518 6847 10157 6298
South Africa  South Africa 136895 1151 2075 5640
Switzerland  Switzerland 127022 2223 14379 22703
Portugal  Portugal 118383 1248 5457 8789
Thailand  Thailand 113555 1029 1447 7839
Norway  Norway 105182 987 5096 12334
Indonesia  Indonesia 103800 1506 6082 8636
Kuwait  Kuwait 103003 89 332 920
Taiwan  Taiwan 99153 156 3135 5734
Slovakia  Slovakia 98182 486 2632 6792
Czech Republic  Czech Republic 96847 2617 9834 18886
Belgium  Belgium 96681 2133 8198 12324
Hong Kong  Hong Kong 92160 330 1385 40191
Hungary  Hungary 81994 1587 5795 7476
Iran  Iran 77412 727 2547 5810
Qatar  Qatar 76240 103 680 1311
Singapore  Singapore 74599 118 4142 20403
Egypt  Egypt 71643 251 699 1150
Israel  Israel 70067 607 2159 12307
Ireland  Ireland 68953 2047 7480 7779
Oman  Oman 63790 41 77 213
Jordan  Jordan 63572 167 270 804
Malaysia  Malaysia 62091 826 1488 1992
Romania  Romania 56572 2490 6180 8944
Greece  Greece 53109 1009 2713 7070
Iraq  Iraq 51458 183 312 818
Bahrain  Bahrain 47801 34 86 214
Kenya  Kenya 45826 259 493 5821
Ukraine  Ukraine 45385 1200 3487 7659
Bangladesh  Bangladesh 42105 441 1938 3152
Algeria  Algeria 41327 319 397 253
Ecuador  Ecuador 39618 438 4317 8231
Belarus  Belarus 35886 244 1099 12783
Croatia  Croatia 34284 859 2704 6486
Slovenia  Slovenia 33292 661 3185 3219
Liberia  Liberia 32289 21 39 66
Serbia  Serbia 30603 490 2014 7136
Venezuela  Venezuela 30194 711 2312 3580
Bolivia  Bolivia 29754 184 1690 3596
Uruguay  Uruguay 29533 142 571 855
Bulgaria  Bulgaria 27095 556 1609 5498
Zimbabwe  Zimbabwe 25934 59 117 21717
Sri Lanka  Sri Lanka 25911 101 168 302
Lithuania  Lithuania 22373 151 773 1777
Nepal  Nepal 20171 160 274 362
Nigeria  Nigeria 19883 342 670 10182
El Salvador  El Salvador 19832 200 1282 2040
Cuba  Cuba 19234 272 1488 4243
Uzbekistan  Uzbekistan 19114 212 308 243
Senegal  Senegal 18546 154 193 284
Cyprus  Cyprus 17106 162 364 1655
Mozambique  Mozambique 16985 88 122 178
Dominican Republic  Dominican Republic 16973 390 2140 3011
New Zealand  New Zealand 15384 540 1296 1768
Myanmar  Myanmar 14168 110 247 288
Azerbaijan  Azerbaijan 14062 146 239 249
Panama  Panama 13568 373 2225 4548
Zambia  Zambia 13058 80 106 140
Latvia  Latvia 13020 139 468 2062
Luxembourg  Luxembourg 11984 225 1063 2596
Guatemala  Guatemala 11472 321 1803 3825
Tanzania  Tanzania 11427 255 497 1260
Estonia  Estonia 10423 175 680 1663
Ghana  Ghana 10206 125 238 957
Cambodia  Cambodia 10155 143 350 448
Nicaragua  Nicaragua 9368 232 447 711
Syrian Arab Republic  Syrian Arab Republic 9085 91 122 145
Albania  Albania 8405 204 315 767
Paraguay  Paraguay 8243 161 402 515
Cote D  Cote D'ivoire 8026 356 389 525
Yemen  Yemen 7897 121 134 58
Kyrgyzstan  Kyrgyzstan 7487 68 162 290
Uganda  Uganda 7427 112 185 424
Mauritius  Mauritius 7045 117 179 410
Armenia  Armenia 7043 157 287 969
Lebanon  Lebanon 6516 99 229 855
Honduras  Honduras 6417 347 1033 1786
Georgia  Georgia 5767 96 256 427
Iceland  Iceland 5636 65 334 733
Cameroon  Cameroon 5589 92 142 267
Andorra  Andorra 5462 13 37 80
Puerto Rico  Puerto Rico 5430 215 1051 1396
Bosnia And Herzegovina  Bosnia And Herzegovina 5180 194 620 809
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya  Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 5025 97 134 509
Togo  Togo 4990 19 37 65
Moldova  Moldova 4909 79 226 367
Palestinian Territory  Palestinian Territory 4666 137 162 205
Malta  Malta 4528 78 178 832
Democratic Republic Of Congo  Democratic Republic Of Congo 4404 93 157 229
Barbados  Barbados 4245 55 122 265
Macedonia  Macedonia 3991 110 214 342
Lao  Lao 3913 45 79 101
Tajikistan  Tajikistan 3369 82 109 81
Gambia  Gambia 3035 78 96 339
Mali  Mali 2961 65 79 287
Afghanistan  Afghanistan 2899 91 148 436
Angola  Angola 2812 50 110 607
Burkina Faso  Burkina Faso 2774 78 95 129
Brunei Darussalam  Brunei Darussalam 2760 42 57 55
Montenegro  Montenegro 2692 61 115 490
Botswana  Botswana 2589 103 133 408
Ethiopia  Ethiopia 2584 94 105 378
Jamaica  Jamaica 2517 79 398 481
Madagascar  Madagascar 2400 51 65 85
Sierra Leone  Sierra Leone 2252 51 78 107
Namibia  Namibia 2059 37 60 264
Sudan  Sudan 2056 46 92 655
Jersey  Jersey 1863 14 144 851
Mongolia  Mongolia 1804 96 153 158
Guinea  Guinea 1596 43 57 133
Kosovo  Kosovo 1380 64 103 134
Gabon  Gabon 1354 24 40 122
Trinidad And Tobago  Trinidad And Tobago 1239 52 181 231
Isle Of Man  Isle Of Man 1219 22 75 314
Guernsey  Guernsey 1183 14 62 423
Aruba  Aruba 1141 15 102 159
Mauritania  Mauritania 1025 18 26 104
Bahamas  Bahamas 983 26 101 146
Reunion Island  Reunion Island 861 28 56 62
Liechtenstein  Liechtenstein 838 13 89 252
Belize  Belize 836 28 120 371
Faroe Islands  Faroe Islands 832 16 34 309
Sao Tome And Principe  Sao Tome And Principe 827 27 32 26
Maldives  Maldives 812 30 48 90
Rwanda  Rwanda 812 23 39 94
Greenland  Greenland 775 20 41 97
Macao  Macao 775 9 36 99
Bhutan  Bhutan 768 21 45 275
Benin  Benin 736 37 67 220
Malawi  Malawi 714 30 45 208
Saint Lucia  Saint Lucia 704 9 20 38
Haiti  Haiti 694 33 82 124
Papua New Guinea  Papua New Guinea 693 36 68 89
Guyana  Guyana 663 18 66 88
Seychelles  Seychelles 660 14 39 102
Congo  Congo 649 11 29 157
Somalia  Somalia 614 25 47 157
Cayman Islands  Cayman Islands 594 6 72 206
Cape Verde  Cape Verde 581 19 31 79
Fiji  Fiji 563 9 31 60
U.s. Virgin Islands  U.s. Virgin Islands 523 29 97 194
Gibraltar  Gibraltar 510 1 29 131
Niger  Niger 471 20 24 200
Saint Vincent And The Grenadines  Saint Vincent And The Grenadines 459 12 42 196
French Polynesia  French Polynesia 450 24 29 31
British Virgin Islands  British Virgin Islands 449 6 33 89
Guadeloupe  Guadeloupe 438 21 48 53
Burundi  Burundi 394 4 21 178
Guam  Guam 392 18 34 93
Aland Islands  Aland Islands 382 5 10 156
New Caledonia  New Caledonia 365 17 28 84
Bermuda  Bermuda 364 6 103 144
Swaziland  Swaziland 363 13 33 65
Monaco  Monaco 362 4 17 55
Guinea-bissau  Guinea-bissau 362 19 28 60
Suriname  Suriname 340 11 23 38
Equatorial Guinea  Equatorial Guinea 333 13 30 79
Comoros  Comoros 329 34 38 71
Antigua And Barbuda  Antigua And Barbuda 320 13 50 101
Djibouti  Djibouti 314 4 15 54
Lesotho  Lesotho 272 5 17 84
Chad  Chad 260 4 18 92
Central African Republic  Central African Republic 258 19 27 73
Dominica  Dominica 252 8 17 33
Samoa  Samoa 248 12 21 31
Grenada  Grenada 239 7 24 50
French Guiana  French Guiana 230 7 18 39
Kiribati  Kiribati 224 13 19 22
Martinique  Martinique 214 9 24 30
Vanuatu  Vanuatu 209 5 14 51
San Marino  San Marino 206 8 28 48
Solomon Islands  Solomon Islands 181 3 13 38
Timor-leste  Timor-leste 170 10 20 26
Turkmenistan  Turkmenistan 166 9 14 42
Saint Kitts And Nevis  Saint Kitts And Nevis 163 7 19 43
Micronesia  Micronesia 158 7 11 23
Palau  Palau 155 14 19 27
Tonga  Tonga 150 6 14 32
North Korea  North Korea 150 9 10 55
Vatican  Vatican 147 1 6 49
Mayotte  Mayotte 123 2 5 21
Antarctica  Antarctica 121 1 3 44
Cook Islands  Cook Islands 119 3 7 18
Eritrea  Eritrea 117 2 5 25
Anguilla  Anguilla 114 5 9 30
American Samoa  American Samoa 113 3 6 26
Turks And Caicos Islands  Turks And Caicos Islands 112 6 17 33
Montserrat  Montserrat 108 4 4 31
Tuvalu  Tuvalu 107 5 7 23
Marshall Islands  Marshall Islands 98 2 6 25
Saint Barthelemy  Saint Barthelemy 94 1 6 19
Wallis And Futuna  Wallis And Futuna 91 4 4 13
Falkland Islands (malvinas)  Falkland Islands (malvinas) 90 1 3 23
Saint Pierre And Miquelon  Saint Pierre And Miquelon 90 1 6 19
Nauru  Nauru 87 2 3 20
Norfolk Island  Norfolk Island 83 2 6 15
British Indian Ocean Territory  British Indian Ocean Territory 74 2 2 17
Northern Mariana Islands  Northern Mariana Islands 74 2 3 11
Saint Martin  Saint Martin 69 2 5 14
Niue  Niue 69 1 2 12
Tokelau  Tokelau 53 4 5 16
United States Minor Outlying Islands  United States Minor Outlying Islands 43 2 2 7
Cocos (keeling) Islands  Cocos (keeling) Islands 29 3 4 16
Christmas Island  Christmas Island 23 1 3 13
South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands  South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands 20 1 3 11
Pitcairn  Pitcairn 20 1 2 9
Saint Helena  Saint Helena 19 2 3 11
Svalbard And Jan Mayen  Svalbard And Jan Mayen 17 1 1 9
French Southern Territories  French Southern Territories 10 1 1 5
Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands  Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands 5 1 1 3
Bouvet Island  Bouvet Island 4 1 1 4
Western Sahara  Western Sahara 4 1 1 3
Total 36,324,808 229,487 1,914,503 4,252,406

Records by address type


Changes since last month

2,982,559 additions
United StatesUnited States232,506
Other countries837,561
1,173,757 modifications
United StatesUnited States118,197
Other countries600,361
1,929,862 deletions
United StatesUnited States210,683
Other countries856,082